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Ann-Charlotte Larsson - återförsäljare och utprovare av 




Amerigos samarbetspartners i Holland





"The fact that we use the highest quality materials goes without saying, but a lot of what makes the difference when you choose an Amerigo saddle are the things that you don't always see at first glance"


Din sadel kan ändras 1,5 cm till en bredare eller smalare storlek

Den unga hästen

Att redan från början prova ut en sadel som matchar hästens konstitution har stora fördelar för hästens hållbarhet och utveckling.

Amerigo och Peter Menet

Hur det funkar

Peter Menet is 

a well known saddle designer 

His extensive knowledge of the biomechanics of both horse and rider, allow him to create saddles that influence both horse and rider in a positive way, improving the performance and also the long term health of the horse. Placing the riders weight in an area where the horse can carry it easily means that it can round its back, and the hindlegs step further under the horses point of balance, carrying more weight on the hindquarters